360 Solutions is expert in developing with minimum possible cost as we have developed numerous applications on School Management, Real Estate, Inventory Management, Micro Finance, Recharge Portal and many more. Desktop applications run from a local drive and do not require a network or connectivity to operate or function properly, though if attached to a network desktop application might use the resources of the network. Software application development began with desktop applications, which could be used on standalone machines only.
A desktop application is a self-contained program that performs a defined set of tasks under the user control. Word processors and media players can be considered to be typical desktop applications. The security risk of running an application of the Internet is more significant than when running an application on a standalone desktop computer. The operations of Desktop applications are comparatively fast and there is no security risk as you have total control over standalone desktop.
360 Solutions helps enterprises by delivering the application that a business would use to assist the organization in managing enterprise operations, which are actually not possible to manage manually without a machine. With this application we commit to satisfy thousands of separate requirements of enterprise. Such organizations can vary from businesses, schools, interest-based user groups and clubs, retailers, or governments. The activities of a business are complex, scalable, distributed, component-based, and mission-critical.
We are able to deliver a number of enterprise applications such as Customer Relationship Management, Enterprise Resource Planning, Automated Billing System, Content management, Email Marketing System, HR Management, Enterprise Application Integration, Business Process Management, Content Management system, Supply Chain Management, and many more. Our Enterprise Applications are data-centric, user-friendly, and must meet stringent requirements for security, administration, and maintenance and may be deployed on a variety of platforms across corporate networks, intranets, or the Internet.
Management application is a very basic term to understand. Basically it is used to describe a category of computer software designed to help in complexion of large projects. These applications are also helpful in facilitating team collaboration, project reporting and task management. We have great experience in building management software as per clients’ needs. Our management application will also help you handling resource management, employee management, schedule coordination, task assignment, time & risk analysis, budgeting and many more. We are able to deliver a great variety of management software such as School Management software, Content Management software, Inventory Management, Project management, Customer Relationship management, Supply chain management, Finance Management, Network Management, Asset management, Performance Management, HR Management, Hotel Management, Hospital Management, Agribusiness Management, etc.
The team of 360 Solutions is expert in developing these kinds of applications as they are highly skilled and experienced. The management applications delivered by us are running successfully and are able to expand the requirements and satisfaction of clients.
We are always concerned with security of our system. Security software is basically a computer program that is designed in order to enhance the information security. Security Software is designed so that it can defend the computer and network from unauthorized use of resources and protects against intrusion. Security software can refer to virus protection software, as well as software to remove unwanted aware and spyware.
We design programs for a single and specific purpose and also others in order to accomplish several functions. Our Security software usually includes a real-time protection and this feature attempts to stop potentially harmful programs so that they can’t affect your computer, and also protects your computer for such threats. The software helps in establishing firewall, to detect and remove viruses, to secure information on network and so forth.
The team at 360 Solutions has designed several security software as per the requirements of clients. We developed several software such as Anti-Virus software, Encryption software, Firewall software, Anti-spyware software, Intrusion detection system, Intrusion prevention system, etc.
Here at 360 Solutions you are offered by migration services such as Domain migration, Data migration, Cloud migration, etc. The reasons of migration may vary and can be such as Server maintenance, Website consolidation, Server replacement, Server upgrade, etc. Our migration service does not compromise with security and insures not to lose any of the data.